Our Flex saddle models are equipped with an exchangeable gullet plate, a cap plate and a Velcro strap on the tree for adding a Velcro wedge right at your stable.
If requested, the customers can order an additional Velcro wedge panel for their individual saddles. In this way, the saddle’s centre of gravity is adjustable not only through the gullet width but also through the panel itself.
You will enjoy the enormous benefits of this flexibility! A well-schooled distribution partner will be able to fit the saddle quickly and easily to the new situation at your stable. And we guarantee low prices for our customers and the immediate availability of your saddle.
We even keep up those immense benefits and the quick adjustability of our La Selle saddles when we are on site with the customers. Whether we adapt the gullet plate, which is the most common part to be replaced, change the cap plate from flat to high or vice versa – which is rarely necessary – or add a Velcro panel, it is always possible to readjust the centre of gravity of the saddle.
Our customers benefit greatly from the adjustability on site, which makes our La Selle saddles a unique product.
Everything is new at … La Selle! The flexible wedge panel
We have recently upgraded almost all La Selle saddles with the possibility to adjust the gullet plate. With the increased flexibility, we can easily fit the saddle to a horse changing its shape. Therefore, we have managed to make the La Selle saddles even more attractive.
In order to readjust the centre of gravity of the saddle, it is important not only to adjust the gullet plate, which assures an optimal angle to the horse’s shoulder. Taking a holistic view, it is often necessary to adapt the back panel as well.

La Selle has developed the possibility to attach a wedge panel to the saddle tree if necessary. The Velcro technique allows a flexible and safe adjustment while maintaining the optimal broad panel surface. In other saddles, the saddle panels are often excessively upholstered which entails the risk that the panels become too hard and round. This can cause the horses to get bruises in their musculature.
As our wedge panels are available in different thicknesses, our La Selle saddles can be adjusted even more flexibly and individually to the exact shape and size. This makes the difference to several other conventional saddles.
Exchangeable cap plate

Our La Selle saddles do not only feature an exchangeable gullet plate but also an exchangeable cap plate.
They are available in three heights:
F = flat – for horses built downhill
and M = medium – depending on the centre of gravity
and H = high – for normal horsebacks
The cap plate is located under the back gallery.
It is easily exchangeable when removing and reattaching the panels.
Best regards from the saddlery,
The La Selle Team
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