Katharina Porzelt & Fee, Bochum

Thank you for the quick and uncomplicated delivery of the Epona test saddle. We are already in love! I'm looking forward to when the time comes and we get our own Epona!

Headfirst Horse Blog

Brina Revive

The La Selle felt saddle for a 1000kg Percheron

This was my 5th saddle purchase for my currently 6-year-old horse with unfavorable dimensions and a difficult saddle position. It's a curse. With this fact in mind, the disillusionment when opening the package was great. My fears:
- the saddle is certainly too small, looks lost on my horse like a tablecloth
- the stockings are too short in relation to the horse. The short belt would have to be 1.20m long
- the stirrup attachments are on the back instead of on the side
- the spinal canal is too narrow for my horse

After briefly considering whether to put the package back together straight away, I decided to at least try it.
After hanging up the first "Oh?!". The saddle fits well and frees the spinal canal. In addition, the saddle is a boon, especially for large horses, as it weighs almost nothing.
Climbing up was possible (although with a climbing aid) without holding up, although the seat belt was not yet fastened. The second "Oh!?".
The rider is well positioned, the shoulder is free. My horse went straight into a relaxed stance and started snorting. I was really surprised and so enthusiastic about my riding participation that she wanted to go for another round in the field. My horse obviously enjoyed it too. She walked free and calm. It wasn't until I saw that that I realized that she had extra work to balance herself and the rider with the Barefoot Saddle, which she uses to this day out of necessity.
None of my fears have been confirmed. I'm relieved and happy.

Long Story short: Wow!

Thank you for the friendly, patient and competent advice!

Nadine Horn on the La Selle "Premium" felt saddle

Hello Mrs. Mueller,

The wait was worth it. I am very enthusiastic about my new felt saddle. The materials and the workmanship are absolutely convincing, the decorative lily is beautiful and enhances the whole look of the saddle again. Unfortunately, I haven't ridden the good piece yet, my horse is not yet a riding horse and can first get used to ground work with a saddle on its back for a while. He saddled up like a pro the very first time.

Kind regards

Nadine Horn

Our customers about the La Selle felt saddle

Richard Bergmair, Munich

Got the felt saddle today.
I'm really excited!
Can only say: Really, really great, the part.
As far as saddles and pads and the like are concerned, my first purchase and I don't regret one iota.
Unexpected possibilities open up to find a seat and a balance and I still feel safe like in a saddle,
even on my Warmblood with 174cm, which with large gears is normally not at all the type to be ridden with a felt saddle.

Petra Lintner, Austria

 The felt saddle arrived safely yesterday and after the first ride today I can congratulate you on this great product! A wonderful saddle for horse and rider alike! Greetings from Austria

Silvia Maio, Neufraunhofen

TEST-The new felt saddle from La Selle
For me it is the "must have" of the season! A student of mine put it on her Noriker for the first time today. fit perfectly. Is so stable and non-slip that she could even climb up from the ground without a climbing aid. Places the rider optimally. I've eaten it too and I'm thrilled. Just sensational.
Clear purchase recommendation.

dr Elke Simon near Frankfurt/M.

Dear La Selle team,
the felt saddle has arrived and has already been tried out. It is of high quality, looks very attractive and stable. We also like the freedom of the spine.
In terms of riding, four- and two-legged friends are satisfied.

Karin Hamann, Passau

... the saddle arrived safely yesterday - longed for - and today I rode a little round. I'm thrilled, my oldie too. Tomorrow I'll put it on my Junior, I'm excited.

Thank you for this beautiful piece of quality work and craftsmanship.

Christine Leeb, near Dachau

I already know the Christ Fellsattel and Feltsattel from Isabelle Steiner and I have to say that the La Selle combines the advantages of both.

Mary Göhler about the La Selle "Premium" felt saddle

Dear Irena, dear Mrs. Müller,

Here is the promised feedback: on the first ride = ride out, my horse Orlano clearly tensed up in the seat without the padding and was clearly in the "attention" position. Otherwise he never is. So during the first test ride in the forest I unsaddled and pushed the padding into the seat. The issue was dealt with promptly, and the horse ran as relaxed as possible. I was able to feel significantly more than with the tree saddle. However, my pommel variant was not optimally chosen. I sat a bit too wide and my personal problem was felt in my abdomen. After this first ride, I tried out other variations at home on the saddle stand. The really ingeniously successful thing about your saddle is that you can reach every part of the seat with your own padding material and even attach your own provisional solutions in such a way that they reliably remain in place, including the trot and canter! After a morning of tinkering, I had a testable variant: your thin pommel insert lined with 2 layers of your own foam/heating pipe insulation (sounds more adventurous than it looks). With this I was able to build a very steep and very narrow pommel. With this attitude I rode 3 more times: small riding arena, riding hall, longer ride. Orlano was lucky. I was able to sit him out and he walked easily on the given reins. I galloped off-road in a group, the knee rolls give support and a feeling of security without being in the way. Even the trot passages in the country with a light seat were no problem for Orlano, he walked easily with a deep nose without tensing up.

So I think you've really succeeded in squaring the circle:

- a flexible saddle that can be placed on different horses and adjusted if necessary with the inserts in the saddle pads.

- a saddle that allows the horse's movements to be felt more easily/clearly

- a treeless saddle that provides a narrow feel and allows for your own arbitrary and reliably positioned individual adjustments

- a treeless saddle in which the stirrup attachment is so cleverly placed that it exerts so little pressure even when loaded that my fairly sensitive horse (see above, on the subject of insert pads) refrains from pointing it out.

I'm looking forward to having "my own felt saddle" on my horse after 3 years of tinkering and trying out different treeless/felt saddles! :-)

Thank you very much for the ingenious implementation of my "requirements in individual settings"!

Best regards, Mary Goehler

Carolin Leicht on the La Selle felt saddle

Good morning dear Mrs. Müller,

My saddle is here.

What can I say? My horse and I love him.

A great riding experience.

So far, my horse has been totally relaxed, loose and free from the shoulders.

I'm beyond excited.

La Selle - TOP!!!

Thanks so much!

I wish you a nice week.

Kind regards Carolin Leicht from Sulzfeld

Daniela Maurer, Switzerland

The saddle is great. The riding feeling is great and I am very satisfied with the workmanship and the saddle itself. However, I can say that I tested the Epona for the first time about 3 years ago and have been enthusiastic about these saddles ever since.
I would like to compliment you on the customer service. Thank you for meeting me in so many different ways.

Caroline Brandt on the La Selle longe

Dear La Selle team, today my longe arrived and I was already excited when I unpacked it. Finally a sensible lunge line that feels great in the hand and the strap material is not stiff. The lunge also passed the usage test. My plush chubby fairy really stepped on the gas today, I couldn't think of lunging properly (the spring fever) and the lunge felt great in the hand there too.

Nadja Steinforth, Nettetal

By the way, the Epona has become our favorite piece, I wouldn't give it up for anything in the world!

Verena Schmitt on the La Selle premium felt saddle

Dear Mrs. Müller,

The saddle is really super nice    great workmanship and great material, very successful

Thanks a lot for this.

I've ridden him a few times now and I'm totally thrilled and so is my pony. I'm sitting on clouds 😊

Warm greetings

Verena Schmitt

Friederike Pauksztat, Kiel

Tried the La Selle L'Art pour L'Art trial saddle on my horse today! The saddle is a dream! You can sit super comfortably and my horse was immediately totally relaxed and let go... He worked more happily than he had in a long time! Can only recommend this saddle with all my heart and Mrs. Irena Linke as a self-rider is a super competent advisor and helps you very nicely with all questions! This is how saddle fitting is fun! I can recommend everyone!!!

Sabine Ridder-Gesing, Reken

The Epona. A decision for life. At least for mine! I've been looking for the "right" saddle for a long time. The choice wasn't big, it was supposed to be something special. But first and foremost it had to suit both of us. And also suit us. Simple yet attractive. I ride according to the academic art of riding, but I'm still a beginner. I also like going into the bush, letting my soul dangle for a while. The saddle should unite everything. Meet my requirements, look good, fit properly, cover all riding styles and allow "feeling". Lateral movements are important to me, my horse should remain supple into old age. A saddle tree would be in my way. With the Epona I have everything. I am particularly happy about the great advice, the nice people I got to know and that my special wishes have been fulfilled! Extra large, extra wide, extra long and an individual gallery. Perfectly made for us!!

Kerstin Anders on the La Selle Saddle Buck

Dear Mrs. Müller,

the saddle buck reached us on Saturday. It survived the transport well, was set up in no time and was used immediately. It fits very well in our work corner and is great to work on while sitting. In addition, the ensemble of saddle rack, saddle pad and jumping saddle is very elegant. Therefore, in addition to all practicality, it is a real eye-catcher. Many thanks for the development of such a successful saddle stand and the excellent sales process!

Greetings from Berlin

Kerstin Anders

Lena to the Premium felt saddle

Hello Mrs. Mueller,

I would like to thank you and the entire team for receiving my felt saddle before Christmas.

In the meantime I have been able to use it extensively and look forward to being able to call it my own every day!

My young horse walks very nicely in the saddle and I can feel every movement very well thanks to the material.

We even dare to go off-road because I feel very safe and comfortable!

Greetings from Lena

Thomas Kirst, Holland

I received it yesterday evening. And I have to say when I saw it in front of me it was a real wow moment. The elegance exceeds my expectations. 'Jewel in white' is absolutely no exaggeration! I am very very excited! Almost too bad to use it as if it were just a saddle ;-)

Why do I ride a La Selle leather tree saddle?

Based on my 35 years of riding experience, including 22 years of horse training and acquired knowledge of academic horsemanship, I can report that I would never again want to exchange the leather tree saddle from La Selle for a conventional saddle with a solid wooden or plastic tree.

Of course, with such a clear statement, it should be noted that every rider analyzes his riding feeling and the feedback from the horse differently. Of course, the anatomy of humans and horses play a major role.

What are the advantages of La Selle leather tree saddles compared to saddles with solid trees? Always assuming that each saddle fits properly on the horse - see e-book "Die Sattelprobe" - here https://www.la-selle.com/

1. The La Selle saddle sits very low and directly on the horse's back

2. The LA Selle saddle allows the rider to directly analyze the horse's movement, similar to a treeless saddle

3. The rider's weight is also distributed very well on the horse's back thanks to the flexibility of the leather saddle tree

4. The rider is not forced into a seat shell. He can always take a natural seat on the saddle.

5. The rider's hips are well relieved by the natural rider's seat

A desired narrow seat waist or a seat wedge, possibly also a thicker saddle pad, can also help here.
6. The rider's natural sitting position will allow him to relax better and thus be able to follow the horse's movements more easily.

7. Learning to sit in a released position is thus made easier.

8. Various seat shapes (L'Art pour L'Art, Dressage, Premium, etc.) have a narrower seat waist in the front area and a wider buttock seat at the back.

9. The saddle tree runs thin towards the outside. This makes the leg contact more precise and refined

10. Due to the multi-layer structure and the well thought-out sewing of the leather saddle tree, the unique dimensional stability is guaranteed for decades.

11. The saddle tree has its tips swept back for optimal shoulder rotation.

12. The rear balance strap runs diagonally across the saddle tree and thus ensures the very stable position of the saddle and the distribution of pressure when strapping on.

13. The rear tip is bent forward and fully flexible. This enables exact lateral movements without disturbing the horse's biomechanics

14. The Flex saddle models are equipped with a field replaceable gullet plate, an Eft plate and a Velcro strap on the tree for a Velcro wedge. In this way, the fit can be quickly corrected on site.

15. The variable gullet plates from La Selle - standard or the wide XL gullet plate - can also be exchanged on site in any Flex saddle model.

16. For an even finer contact with the horse, the saddle pad can be made with a cut-out. This can also be retrofitted. E.g. for riders with stronger thighs

17. The elaborately manufactured, soft wool cushion from La Selle prevents a "trampoline-like" riding feeling and prevents the wool from knotting in the cushion

18. Horses with poor saddle fit experiences quickly lose head banging and saddle restraint.

Responsible riders should always be pursuing the same goal.

A harmonious fine aid and relaxation of his horse in all lessons.

Years of experience analysis of the rider is one of the most important basis for this and only possible with optimal tools. Learning how to handle these tools sensitively is also an important stage in the life of a rider. This is the only way we can conquer the path of horse training and create a reliable working horse, no matter how the horse is later used - western, jumping, dressage, military or even for driving.


Contact: info@la-selle.com

Paula Witzel on the e-book

Hello La Selle team,

I thought the book was great!

It wasn't too long

Written very clearly and contained all the important information I needed,

to check my saddle.

Thanks a lot for this.

Kind regards, Paula Witzel

Bettina Biolik, Polen
One and a half years after buying my saddle, a La Selle Epona, I’m still in love with it ❤️ For me, it’s the perfect connection between the horse and my seat. With its flexible leather tree, my weight is distributed comfortably on the horse’s back, while I can feel everything. It allows for a very close contact and giving a bit of height so my hips can relax better at the same time. And the more I ride it, the better it becomes. At the moment I’m using it without stirrups to improve my seat.
Julia Geiger on the La Selle felt saddle

Good morning Mrs. Müller,

The saddle has arrived and I'm really excited. He turned out beautiful. I haven't been able to test much yet, but as soon as I've gained more experience, I'll give feedback again. So far I'm super satisfied! I have attached 2 photos.

Warm greetings
Julia Geiger

Marion von Frieling-Salewsky on the Capriole Saddle

Dear La Selle team,

A little feedback on the saddle: our trainer was there on Saturday and was amazed at how easy and free Sams walked with it. She tried it out herself and thought it felt great.

Many greetings

Marion von Frieling-Salewsky

Marion von Frieling-Salewsky on the Capriole Saddle

Dear La Selle team,

although I would never have chosen the saddle in this color combination (which fits my horse perfectly) and shape, I like it. The feeling of riding is very good, the knee rolls and galleries don't bother at all. My horse is also relaxed and happy with it. We both feel very comfortable with the saddle.

Kind regards - Marion von Frieling-Salewsky

Sabine Bratke on the Masterpiece flex

Dear La Selle Team,

I was finally able to put his first saddle on our Elrond - the Masterpiece Flex.

The saddle has become beautiful and sits fantastically!

Many thanks also to Charlotte Brunka - who adjusted the saddle perfectly.

Greetings from Habichtswald
Sabine Bratke

Claudia Kriechhammer, Austria

My saddle arrived on Saturday morning! I took part in a course on Saturday and Sunday and was able to start with my new saddle right away.
It fits my horse perfectly, the center of gravity is now optimal and I feel very comfortable on it. I'm really happy that everything went so well. A big thank you for your effort and kudos to the saddlers who were really able to make the gallery fit me. www.nht-claudia-kriechhammer.at

Julia Sandmann, near Osnabrück

The picture that I am sending you shows that after only 15 minutes of walking, increased understepping becomes visible and my mare arches her back and becomes shorter. She is very heavy on the forehand and we rarely have such a result, especially after such a short time! I am very happy about this beautiful saddle! Thank you also for the all-round good support and advice!

Feldenkrais and Horses Partitioner, & Quina YET (PRE)

Josephine Voigt on the Capriole

Hello Irena, I just wanted to let you know that your saddle has conquered another branch of equestrian sport.

12th Saxonia Cup: 46 km in 3h 11min - 7th place out of 28 😉

Best regards

La Selle goes endurance 😁🏇

Anna Heise on the La Selle Felt Saddle Premium

I wanted to find out whether the felt saddle could be an alternative to the pads I am familiar with and to what extent it has the pluses and minuses of other saddle alternatives: I was very enthusiastic about the Premium felt saddle. He lets sitting aids through wonderfully, you can feel the horse's movement almost as differentiated as without a saddle. The horse's spine is very free due to the stable padding (I had the variant for normal height at the withers for my Lusitano). It allows the rider to sit very narrow (a boon for less flexible hips) and has (adjustable) stirrup attachments, which makes it a little easier for insecure riders. A really great tool for seat training.
The felt saddle looks very high quality, the workmanship is great. Absolutely recommendable, is one of the best saddle alternatives that I have been able to try so far!

Kind regards. Anna Heise

Michaela Gindert, near Ingolstadt

With the La Selle L'Art pour L'Art we have finally found “our” saddle. The first saddle that could be perfectly adapted to Jules and in which I sit great. The direct transmission of the seating aids or the movement of the horse is just great! How easy riding can be... A whole new experience for us. Thanks very much!

Kerstin Heyn on the L'Art pour L'Art saddle

Dear La Selle team, thank you very much for making my dream saddle - it is a true masterpiece. The first-class advice and the indescribably close feeling of riding on your leather harness immediately inspired me. They implemented all my special requests perfectly and the workmanship, leather quality, functionality and aesthetics are of the highest level. I will be happy to recommend you and look forward to countless pleasure rides on my L'Art pour L'Art.
Fine horsemanship - Kerstin Heyn (facebook)

Melanie Artelt, Ingolstadt

Happy with our L'Art pour L'Art!
As expected, it turned out beautifully! The "tailored riding feeling" is unbelievable, I'm really, really excited! My horse, of course, too, I'm amazed at how he really thinks about the new "riding feeling" while riding, just great!
Many, many thanks for this wonderful saddle and warm greetings from Ingolstadt!

Gabriella Kiss to the felt saddle

Dear Irena!

My beauty arrived yesterday. I am very happy that I got such a beautiful piece with a very nice leather smell. Today we tried it on and it's perfect. For the first time, my horse and I felt like this was the beginning of our new journey.

Thank you for your great job!

Best wishes:


Erika Saame from Rötz

Hello Ms Linke,

The saddle is a dream.

My now 6-year-old Lipizzaner also feels very comfortable with it.

Kind regards and have a nice weekend

Erika Saame from Rötz

Thomas Reichmuth, near Flensburg

Hello La Selle team, hello Ms. Linke, this summer was almost like a gift for my horse Merlin and me! At first I thought: "I'm on an old homepage from Marc and Eike". And then it was a pleasure that La Selle is back. Nice that one of the saddles and La Selle has taken on. So I called La Selle and a fitting tour to the north was planned, so it happened that in July 16 I was already sitting on an Epona. Thanks to Ms. Linke we had the right saddle right away and that was a feeling...!! Now, after three months, I'm really happy that I chose La Selle and the Epona. It's a whole new riding experience! In short: A great saddle, great service and a whole new great riding feeling! Thanks alot!

The new, thin, extra-long reins that I now have from you must also be mentioned here! For me thin reins have an even better feeling of lightness. Ordering and delivery was also uncomplicated, super exemplary! Thanks again!

Feedback on our eBook

Andrew way

I downloaded the ebook and am happy to say that there is finally a properly explained book for us laypeople to use to determine whether the saddle fits or not.
Many Thanks.
Andrea Weise

Emilia Seim, Gemünden

I want to say that I am very excited about your ebook. The design and the explanations are very nice and helpful for basic knowledge and unanswered questions. The e-book was downloaded within a few minutes and could be used without any further complications. Since I would very much like to inform myself and expand my knowledge, I quickly read through everything and was enthusiastic about it. Personally, the idea of ​​a saddle check ebook is for everyone.

Janina Claus

I can't say more than that I'm totally excited about the eBook ... great explanations, many unanswered questions have been clarified and yes, I think there will be one

La Selle Saddle :-)

e-book reader

Thank you very much for the eBook. I finally had time to read it properly. I found your site through Marc Lubetzki's podcast. I follow his master class. I think the book is explained very well, so that even a layman could understand it well. I was able to learn a lot and got the impression that even better trained horse people might still not know a lot. (or maybe it doesn't matter to many?)

Unfortunately I don't own a horse. (Although I hope to be able to do so someday). Nevertheless, I have started to deal with the topic a bit because of a horse that means a lot to me. He has a custom saddle that is adjusted every year. But still problems that I suspect could come from the saddle (for example very sensitive on the back, pushes away quickly when cleaning, stroking). In particular, the description of how the saddle has to be placed correctly and, above all, how the straps should be strapped - especially not too tight, gave me another possible explanation. Let's see what can be done with the information.

So, thank you again for letting me have the book for free.

Carina Rothfuss on the La Selle leather reins

Dear La Selle team

The reins arrived this afternoon.

I'm thrilled 🤩 🍀👌

Once I know which little horse I will finally continue with (I'm still looking...) there will definitely be a suitable bridle and possibly also a saddle. Very great quality!!!! And the heavenly scent!!!

Thanks so much

Greetings from Stuttgart

Carina Rothfuss

Inga Höfener on the Dressage flex

Hello Ms Linke,

The wait was worth it! I am absolutely amazed at how beautiful the saddle turned out! The leather, stitching and embellishments are wonderful! He is - as far as I can tell - wonderful on the horse and she seems to feel comfortable with it too.

Thank you very much!

Many greetings

Inga Höfener

Teresa Paulat, Berlin

Hooray, our saddle is here!
I am really happy! Many thanks to the saddle manufacturer
La Selle! Good work!
Warm greetings!
